Solution for RD agent commission not credited or partially credited cases in DOP Finalce

  • Generally we will accept the agent lists which are prepared in the agent portal which is available in the India post website.
  • In DOP we generally  use the HAGTXP for posting the agent lists in case of MPKBY agent lists.
  • HAGTXP stands for agent transaction posting.
  • Sometimes when we modify the agent list in HAGTXP and verified the same list in the supervisor. 
  • Even though after verification of the list the agent commission will sometimes will credit partially or completely agent commission will not be credited.
  • For example to all our viewers I have taken MPKBY agent list for which modification of the list done at counter PA login and verified which is shown in the figure.

  • From the above it is clear that the list C25891654 posted and verified. And form the above screen shot it is clear that Transaction created successfully which is marked in the above screen shot.

Root cause of the above Problem :- 

  • The agent commission will not be credited or system will credit partial amount due to the reason user modified the same reference more than one time.
  • If the list is modified more than one time then the system will not calculate agent commission properly.
  • In our example the reference number C25891654 posting done by the user 2 times i.e., there are 2 request ID's submitted by the user for posting viz., 201609150362631 and 201609150502426.
  • In this case one got failed due to network issue. Hence the agent commission was not paid for one of the request ID.

Solution for the above Problem :- 

  • In order to solve the above problem we should credit the commission to agent manually by using the following procedure using the menu HTM.
  • In DOP for commission amount we have the office account SOLID+0251 and for the tax amount we have the office account SOLID+0321 which are system accounts earlier now they are converted as non-system accounts.
  • Most of them will get doubt what is the difference between system account and non system account ?
  • System account is that we can't access the account directly by the end user which needs permission from DOP IT team.
  • Non system account is that we can access these account directly without any permission.

Step by step procedure for crediting agent commission manually to agent SB account :- 

  • In counter PA login-------- Use the menu HTM with transaction type as customer induced and then debit the total commission amount + TDS amount from the office account SOLID+0251 in first leg,credit the commission amount(by reducing TDS amount ) to the respective agent SB account in leg 2 and finally credit TDS amount to the office account SOLID+0321 in leg3. Submit the transaction and note down the tran id.
  • In supervisor login-------- verify the tran id in the same menu HTM
